Comment 1 for bug 2024967

Revision history for this message
Unit 193 (unit193) wrote :

For the first issue, it seems like you are hitting which was fixed in yt-dlp 2023.02.17 and above. If you'll note your 'apt-cache policy' output, there's a version higher than that ready to install, simply select it with `sudo apt install -t jammy-backports yt-dlp`.

For the second issue, apt returns the error "E: Unable to locate package yt-dlp recipie.txt" which shows you passed it "yt-dlp recipie.txt" as the package name, which obviously isn't correct. Correct your command for removal and it should work.

Lastly, pip can interfere with system installed packages, since you are mixing package managers. I believe generally you're advised to use venvs instead. If using pip and it breaks your system packages, you get to keep both pieces.