Comment 5 for bug 1005510

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Guy Verrijdt (gverrijdt) wrote :

From the link provided by Shaun, i see that this is known for a long time.

Nobody has solved it yet, but there is a way to get your system back without having to reboot: write script 'killall yelp' (killall gnome-help as suggested in the links doesn't work for me), create a launcher and add the icon to the unity launcher. Clicking this kills the yelp window (i wonder why Force Quit doesn't(?)).
I'm happy now i don't have to 'reisub' all the time anymore...

Nobody seems to be doing anything about it... why?
In my eyes, this is not a small problem. Doesn't anybody use the 'help' function?
For me this issue is solved, I know what to do next time, but i can image things like this drive people away from ubuntu/linux