Comment 18 for bug 1875993

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Michael Simms (micsim2007) wrote :

arc-menu is unsupported by whom exactly? It's in Focal Fossa repositories and it's also still being actively developed upstream. With Adwaita it is fine, Numix Circle is also fine.

If I had installed arc-menu from a third party site or PPA then there would be no way I'd have submitted this bug via Ubuntu channels.

What happens if users of UbuntuMATE, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Cinnamon etc. want to use Yaru? Will you fob them off too because they aren't using GNOME when they ask about the missing icons?

The Icon theme rather disappointingly is not complete and if I were maintaining it and someone pointed this out I'd thank them and try to fix it rather than blaming them for not using the desktop in the very restrictive manner you seem to want them too. I really like the concept of it and wanted to use it but your attitude and unwillingness to fix it has left a bad taste and made me think twice about ever reporting any bugs against Ubuntu in the future.

The way I see now is that if I want to carry on using Yaru at some point in the future I will have to fork it from your git that was pointed out to me a few posts back and fix this for myself when I have time to do so.

I may have been a bit vociferous and clearly that rubbed some of you up the wrong way and put you on the defensive. I don't apologise for that, you should take my passion about this as a compliment rather than an insult. When I am enthusiastic about something (even if someone else made it) I'd see it highly polished rather than clearly unfinished, even if it takes a couple of updates to get to that point.