Comment 17 for bug 264176

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nh2 (nh2) wrote :

In my eyes, it is not related neither only to Yakuake neither to GNOME but rather to Compiz combinated to Qt or the KD _Environment_ itself. I experience these problems under KDE as well as GNOME, using both Yakuake and Lokalize (see the screenshots attached). Not only the console text remains not updated or corrupted, but also the common scrollbars sometimes do not move on mouse wheel usage.

Please give it a try and install and launch Lokalize and open any .po file which should not be too small. Scroll down the entries in the left and click on them; you will notice that at certain times parts of the entry list or even the whole Lokalize window is not updated after clicking on a list entry.

Maybe Lokalize's behaviour gives somebody a hint what is wrong with some of these Qt programs.