Comment 0 for bug 1872772

Revision history for this message
Marvin Teichmann (marvmind) wrote : Ambiguous shortcuts in Focal Fossa

When using a number of default shortcuts like `Ctrl+Shift+W` (close tab) or `Ctrl+Alt+Right` an error message appears reading:

"Ambiguous shortcut detected [...] No action triggered"

In previous Kubuntu Versions this issue was caused be the fact that "Konsole" and "Yakuake" use the same set of shortcuts. It was possible to circumvent this issue by unbinding this shortcut in one of those Apps. For the shortcut `Ctrl+Shift+W` this workaround still works, however for `Ctrl+Alt+Right` and some other shortcuts in Yakuake this has stopped working.

I was not able to locate the conflicting shortcuts (in yakuake or any other apps). When unbinding those shortcuts in Yakuake and using testing them nothing happens. (So this is not a real Ambiguity).

This bug can be reproduced on a fresh Kubuntu installation with default shortcuts and configuration. This bug extends to a number of self-configured keyboard shortcuts. This severely impacts the usability of yakuake (and hence kubuntu) for me. Using a terminal app without (most) shortcuts is not very productive for me.


$ lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch)
Release: 20.04