Comment 1 for bug 196298

Revision history for this message
Ryan (carbonfreeze) wrote :

Recently attempted (2) installations with xubuntu live-current 3-2. On the first installation:

1). Burned CD & rebooted. Verified CD integrity via livecd boot menu.
2). Started an installation via "Install xUbuntu" on livecd boot menu.
3). Near the end of the installation, the installer started downloading language packs. I did not skip this.
4). After the language packs had been downloaded, the installer threw an error about a broken package, I believe it was "language-support-writing-en". I couldn't get a screenshot due to the fact that I was in the dedicated installer mode, and gnome-screenshot is not installed in the live cd (atleast I got an error when I hit printscreen saying it couldnt find gnome-screenshot). I probably could have switched to a vt and done an apt-get install gnome-screenshot, but it was late when I started the install.

Attached are the dpkg.log and user.log from the xUbuntu installer mode.

On the second install:
1). Booted into normal live-cd, started installation from there.
2). When it started downloading language pack stuff, I just skipped it.
3). No errors about broken packages or language support.
4). Rebooted into the installed system. Everything works at login, no error about installed languages.

Note that in both of the above installations, I have not attempted to execute the System ~> Language Support utility, since I don't want to have to deal with the initially reported errors every time I login. I will test both installation procedures when virtualbox is fixed; I will run the Language Support program after installation to see if it occours in both installation cases (installation langauge packs or just skipping them, then running Language Support after install is completed).