Comment 0 for bug 1165266

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pqwoerituytrueiwoq (pqwoerituytrueiwoq) wrote :

Several of my function keys do not work out of the box

XF86Sleep does not do anything it should make the system
this command will put the system into suspend but it only seems to like the terminal
dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.UPower /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend

Sys_Req is the key name that occurs when i press Alt + prt sc
the command is xfce4-screenshooter -w
<property name="Sys_Req" type="string" value="xfce4-screenshooter -w"/>

XF86WebCam is the key that is supposed to do something with the webcam
this key should prompt to install some recommended webcam application and open it if it is installed

XF86TouchpadToggle is the key name related to enabling/disabling the touchpad
i have no idea what command would do this

I have some multimedia keys XF86AudioPlay, XF86AudioPrev, XF86AudioNext, and XF86AudioStop
they should run these commands (in same order as above)
gmusicbrowser -cmd PlayPause
gmusicbrowser -cmd PrevSong
gmusicbrowser -cmd NextSong
gmusicbrowser -cmd Stop

i have a couple other special keys that i am not sure what they are for, i don't think these are standard are are likely not worth implementing

XF86Launch1 according to the manual it does this:
Toggles “Splendid Video Intelligent Technology” function ON and OFF. This allows switching between different display color enhancement modes in order to improve contrast, brightness, skin tone, and color saturation for red, green, and blue independently. You can see the current mode through the onscreen display (OSD).

XF86Launch6 according to the manual it does this:
This key toggles power savings between various power saving modes. The power saving modes control many aspects of the Notebook PC to maximize performance versus battery time. Applying or removing the power adapter will automatically switch the system between AC mode and battery mode. You can see the current mode through the on-screen display (OSD).