Comment 11 for bug 406651

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Federico Churca-Torrusio (fchurca) wrote :

I'm on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10. The same problem (video not working the right way on new kernel) happened to me when I upgraded fron -11 to -13. I solved it that time by reinstalling xserver-xorg-video-psb. But now it doesn't work.
I tried Steve Jenkins' <quote>

apt-get remove psb-kernel-source
apt-get install psb-kernel-source

</quote> and it worked, thanks a lot =)

Am I the only one who thinks the guys at ubuntu-mobile who provide the driver be made aware of this? It seems to happen on every kernel update. Maybe we should suggest them to include thos two lines on the install script for the driver?

On a completely different note, and feel completely free to ignore me on the following issue:
How can I use the same keymap on the console and on Gnome on X11? As far as I now they have to be set up separately. Is there any way to link the configurations? At least can anyone give me a link to a forum thread on this issue?
Again, don't lose your sleep over this last issue, I can live without it solved and this is not the correct place to ask =) Thanks anyway.