Comment 0 for bug 62230

Revision history for this message
xtknight (xt-knight) wrote : [edgy] Corrupt graphics on boot

With every version of Edgy (including the latest Knot 3), the graphics has been corrupt upon bootup of the LiveCD. When you enter Start/Install Ubuntu the system appears to start and then it gets to the GNOME splash screen (the oblong rectangular one). Once it's at this point, the graphics of the splash screen will get all corrupted and artifacted as if the video RAM had been damaged. Then the whole system will completely lock up hard (CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE does not stop X server). This happens in both regular and safe graphics mode. With Dapper, it only did this in the regular mode and the safe mode was fine, but this is not the case with Edgy. This has been a bug for quite a while and I am not the only one affected. I can imagine the number of gamers with the same card as me (GeForce 7800GT). I would like to see this fixed soon.


ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe (nForce 4 SLI chipset)
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Winchester
(1) eVGA GeForce 7800GT (256-P2-N515-AX) on PCI Express x16 port
Ubuntu Edgy 6.10 Knot 3 (amd64 arch)
