Comment 23 for bug 996168

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thom (tsk) wrote :

Christopher, I installed the last developement release of Ubuntu (14.04) and it stalls after graphical login, leaving a blank screen so I only could try to fix stuff from the commandline.

I managed to get the apport report via commandline. I have my fingers crossed that the apport report did came through.

After that I did some tinkering and generated an Xorg.conf (Xorg -configure) and it mistakenly reported 4 videocards. After deleting the superfluous entries I could start the Graphical desktop but it is extremely slow (it takes several minutes to open a terminal which immediately locked up for several minutes) so it was quite difficult to test if the bug was still present.
At the moment the computer is working very very hard for several minutes now, trying to maximize a window. :-)
htop reports 100% CPU usage.
I guess that the whopping amount of 64MB VideoRAM is not really adequate for 14.04

I did manage to move a terminalwindow, however, just before it locked up. :-)

The reported bug seems indeed to be SOLVED in 14.04, thanks :-)

The downside is, of course, that 14.04 is not usable in it's present state on this rig.
I could do some further testing. I persume it would be more adequate to use Lubuntu then ?