Comment 2 for bug 873493

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Aatcman (aatcman) wrote :

Solution Found.......


Figured it out... Here's the real solution, hope this helps some of the many looking for a solution.........

Step one. Do either A OR B
 -A. During a fresh install of Ubuntu, you will be asked if you want to install restricted drivers. Make sure you are connected to the internet and click yes (or click install restricted drivers). Make sure you get the driver for your video card..... Restart Ubuntu..

-B. Install the restricted driver for your video card. Go to system settings (under the system menu in older Ubuntu distros or the power switch menu in unity -- power switch menu is in the upper right corner of the screen -- looks like a light switch -- left click, scroll down to system settings....) Click on "Additional Drivers" ... Click on the recommended driver for your video card. Click Activate. Restart Ubuntu...

Step two:
-Hook up your svideo display to your ubuntu computer's s-video jack.
-Go to system settings again.
-Click on "Nvidia Xserver settings" (or similiar for your brand of video card...) NOTE: Do NOT click on "Display" or "Monitors" as this will not take you to the right place....
-Click on the line labeled "X Server Display Configuration"
-Click detect (note, this is not the same as the similarly labeled button under the display or monitor control panel)
-You will see another display shown next to your main display. It should be labeled TV-0
-Click on this smaller display
-Next to the word "configure" it SHOULD say "Separate X Screen"
--IF IT DOES NOT, click "Configure"
--Select "separate"
--Click "OK"
-Click "Save to X Configuration file"
-Click "Close"

Step 3
-Restart Ubuntu
-Enjoy your S-video Output!!! :o)