Comment 15 for bug 660331

Revision history for this message
Lunarts (lunartsbr-gmail) wrote :

Hello people, i´m here to report my findings lately:
Having been able to enter ubuntu in failsafe x, I updated the entire system, and also as the link I said before on askubuntu showed, I installed the nvidia drivers, first the usual way, later manually, downloading from nvidia site the drivers file and giving sudo sh on the file.
Both ways have made my ubuntu live more miserable, as both resulted in ubuntu showing the initial loading screen, then the screen went black, then white, then colorfull(not necessaryly in this order), again and again until I restarted with ctrl+alt+del. nomodeset wasnt working anymore too.
Since I had got really happy which ubuntu at least started, I had moved all my files from windows to ubuntu(some important ones too), before the crazy after-driver update screen problem. Then I passed hell to retrieve my files after the video driver update, as the /home partition was encripted and I had to recover it the hard way<>, as ubuntu encryption helper file failed me. After I reinstalled the root partition, I solved my encription problems ubuntu text-mode way.
I find strange which installing the video drivers gave such results, when it should actually enable ubuntu to boot with normal graphics. Also don´t forget to call me when there is a possible fix. Thanks for the help!