Comment 50 for bug 1217585

Revision history for this message
Bob H (bobbicat) wrote :

This has been affecting my installation routines for a number of versions of Kubuntu now.
I found a workaround that involves temporarily disabling nouveau until nvidia drivers can be installed:

Boot from the Ubuntu installation media.
When the boot menu appears : Highlight Try Ubuntu without installing and press the E key.
Add the nouveau.modeset=0 parameter to the end of the linux line ... Then press F10 to boot.
Having entered the desktop start the installation process, once completed restart the PC.
When the GRUB boot menu appears : Highlight the Ubuntu menu entry and press the E key.
Add the nouveau.modeset=0 parameter to the end of the linux line ... Then press F10 to boot.
Now install the latest official NVIDIA drivers.

This is a bug that needs to be addressed. Anyone new to *ubuntu who encounters this would assume that installation is impossible, even using the Live Disk has become a problem.