Comment 775 for bug 993187

Revision history for this message
christian aichert (caichert) wrote :


I am tired of all this 12.04 problems...
It freezes all times long.
My PC is working very slowly.
I tried for weeks to solve the prolem.

At least I thought maybe better with Windos...

I remembered how great the performance was with Ubuntu 10.04...and than I simply installed
it again...

kicking out this stily looking but very unpractible 12.04 with such a kind of problems that I think ubuntu should kick it out and go back to 10.04...

Now I am writing this with my system running well, fast, all grafik aplications work well and with NO FREEZE absolutly...!!

People :

GO BACK TO UBUNTU 10.04 and save a lot of time in bug findings and commandline.sreaching...

Have FUN!