Comment 10 for bug 754799

Revision history for this message
Daniel Manrique (roadmr) wrote :

Hi Bryce,

the xset trick doesn't seem to work :( here's what I did:

1- Start up the system without the external monitor plugged in.
2- Plug in the monitor, external display shows nothing, but it's visible gnome-display-properties.
3- issue command xset dpms force on.

Nothing happens :( the external display still thinks the VGA cable is not connected, BUT the computer thinks the display is connected. Actually I launched a few terminal windows and they all went to the external display (which isn't showing anything so I thought they were failing to start). If I press the terminal icon in the Unity bar, I get an overview of the windows that were sent to the external display but I still can't see them.

Thanks for suggesting this test!