Comment 76 for bug 568779

Revision history for this message
waldo pfiefer (waldo222) wrote :

It has been pointed out that the i855 bug was in the 'Known Issues' post and I stand corrected. It was in the 'Known Issues'. I don't know how I could have missed it. There it was 3rd from the bottom of a rather long list.

So, is it only me or should a showstopper bug be nearer to the top pf the list? Perhaps it should have been at the top of the list because it seems to me it is the only 'issue' that would lead to a complete failure of the instal or upgrade process. Oh, and what if a relative newbie to Ubuntu wanted the newest latest?

Again, if the open source community wants to make inroads into the general pool of PC users it is going to have to be a bit more up front about the problems that their OS's can cause. There are workarounds but you have to be an expert level user to implement them and it seems that they are not available to upgrade users or anyone who used the ISO. No one like to see their PC bricked by an upgrade or a newer 'better' version of an OS.