Comment 36 for bug 554023

Revision history for this message
Chris Halse Rogers (raof) wrote :

@tekstr1der: Your problem is a separate bug - particularly since it's intermittent. If you could please file a separate bug, preferably with the details from a failed boot. If you can't SSH into your thinkpad, you could collect those details by logging in blindly, running a gnome-terminal, and running apport-cli. The key sequence for that would be:

Alt-F2 gnome-terminal <enter> apport-cli -f -p xorg --save blankscreen.crash <enter> (wait for disc activity to stop, then press ‘N’)

That will create a file called “blankscreen.crash” in your home directory, which you can later report to Launchpad with “apport-cli -c blankscreen.crash”.