Comment 3 for bug 470422

Revision history for this message (ubuntu-szantocsalad) wrote :


Yes you are reading the logs correctly. Actually I have two identical IIyama monitors. One on the VGA the other On the HDMI.I added the nomodeset on the grub menu, but it had no positive effect. I also tried to disable the monitor on VGA, but the 1600x1200 resolution does not become available on the HDMI output. However I attached an HP monitor to the HDMI detected it, so I had one IIyama on the VGA and one HP on the HDMI. At this point 1600x1200 was available on both of my monitors, selected it, then put replaced the HP monitir on HDMI with the IIyama and it still worked. Of course it only works until I detect again the monitors. I send you attached the output when only the IIyama was attached on HDMI.

