Comment 16 for bug 420594

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jerrylamos (jerrylamos) wrote :

Thanks, Geir. That seemed to work, however now none of the images will do xorg, not even the 2.6.32-9 with "vesa". Black screen on all three "freeze" images with or without "vesa".

Ctrl-Alt-F1 doesn't work either after startx, however I can ssh in from a Thinkpad T40. It has ati video so Lucid is working on it except for losing the pointer from time to time.

Since the Lucid is broken altogether, I'm doing another install of Lucid Alpha 1 on another partition now....of course, the Lucid CD boots to black screen unless I do:

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "vesa"

I don't quite understand why Ubuntu development doesn't have that as a boot choice. Maybe they do, and I just don't know how to invoke it. There have been a number of complaints on the Ubuntu forums about the lack of xorg.conf.

Thanks, Jerry