Comment 3 for bug 1986583

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Ivan Krasicenko (teofil321) wrote (last edit ):

yeah, I added config to xorg.conf which contains this:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "intel"
BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
Option "DRI" "3"
Option "TearFree" "true"

I have no deep understanding about how to switch drivers or how to use another one(which one?),
but without this config, I had following problems:
a) Option "DRI" "3" when this is not present it causes that strip of screen from time to time flicker - i would describe it like subset of pixels in some rectangle area are swapped to another color for a period of half second, and then it turns back to normal. It does not happen often but occasionally.

b) "TearFree" "True" - without this when window is moved from up to bottom it is clearly seen that left part of screen is updated earlier than the right one.

Is there a way to switch to another driver without losing this configuration?

also in Wayland does not work x11vnc, and I did not found suitable replacement.