Comment 7 for bug 182898

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Robert Olsen (olsen-bnl) wrote :

The web page that you suggested was not helpful.

As I said earlier, every once in a while, coming back from a blank screensave mode, the monitor will have the correct resolution and aspect ratio. I discovered that the monitor has an "information" menu selection available using the buttons below the screen. When it is in a good state is says that

Resolution: 1680x1050
H.Frequency: 65.2 kHz
V. Frequency: 59.9 Hz
Pixel Clock: 146.0 MHz

When I enter those values in the modeline generator fields it suggests the following:

Modeline "1680x945@60" 134.03 1680 1712 2216 2248 945 964 973 993

A height of 945? Where did it come up with that? I wasn't successful getting it to give me a modeline with 1680x1050.

I tried entering a modeline with the 146.0 MHz Pixel Clock by hand -- the xorg.conf file that I came up with is attached.

Logging out and back in again gave me the black border on the left, i.e. not widescreen.
The monitor information menu reports a different Pixel Clock than what I tried to specify when it's in this state:

Resolution: 1680x1050
H. Frequency: 65.1
V. Frequency: 59.8O
Pixel Clock: 119.7

Have a made an error in xorg.conf, or is it ignoring the file for some reason?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me. I don't want to believe that XP can handle this monitor/graphics-card pair, but Ubuntu cannot.