Comment 138 for bug 1098334

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In , Sergio Callegari (callegar) wrote :

Incorrect rendering of some glyphs is still there as of yesterday's git snapshot (24/7/13). I'm reporting it as I read somewhere that newer released versions of the driver implemented a lower limit on MAX_FLUSH_VERTICES in order to reduce the impact of the bug, but I really see no difference. Yet, it may be the case that the reduction is only applied to the released driver and not in the devel version (haven't checked the actual code).

A couple of notes:

- The way in which the glyphs corruption appears is weird. Without any scrolling, just typing in characters at some place causes some random character to get corrupted somewhere else (e.g. maybe 1 line above, maybe 10 cm to the right, etc). Some times typing some more character is enough to have the corruption disappear, something it does not. I have not been able to determine if the glyph that gets corrupted is the same one that is being typed (i.e, I type in an 'e' and somewhere and 'e' gets corrupted), but I suspect that this is not the case.

- The issue seems to be much less frequent if I type slowly.

- Once a glyph is corrupted, just 'selecting' some random character around it, but not necessarily very close to it (e.g., 15 chars to the left or to the right), seems to be enough to cause a redraw of the glyph that fixes its rendering. This seems somehow similar to how pressing 'PrtScrn' to try to get a snapshot causes a redraw that fixes the wrong glyphs, so that it is difficult to get a screenshot of the issue, unless one relies on a camera.