Comment 121 for bug 1098334

Revision history for this message
In , Zdenek Kabelac (zdenek-kabelac) wrote :

It could be probably worth to mention - that when I'm flipping between Firefox tabs I could have scrolling tabs without any issue (and low GPU usage), while flipping to other tabs and scrolling in them increases GPU to high levels and visual problems are present.

So in the moment the problem appears - it's rather local to certain tabs.
And as I said - it's often enough to reload tab to temporarily fix the problem.

And as of typing current BZ message - I've noticed (using MAX 6) that letter 'a' in the word 'certain' above has been for a while drawn only from one half - and after I've typed whole sentence it's been just refreshed properly.
(And I've not seen such behavior for quite a while... and I think I'm quite sensitive for things like this)...