Comment 24 for bug 360724

Revision history for this message
Marc (marc2014) wrote :

It's still an issue. I'm on the latest Kubuntu with a Radeon, and my experience is almost exactly the same as described above. I'm using KDE PPAs (so I should have the latest KDE packages as well). Also on the latest standard kernel, etc.

On reboot, the mouse cursor is the same on both monitors. For some reason that I can't determine, moving between them sometimes triggers the cursor to split into a vertical line into about a dozen very small cursors. (Sounds just like the report here: which is almost certainly the same issue). Then moving back and forth causes the cursor to become larger and completely garbled (in a square about 1 cm x 1 cm, at least twice as large as the original cursor), and after a few more times between each monitor, the cursor settles into the "chopped" cursor posted in the images by those above until reboot.

Some other observations:

* The cursor still "points" at the same spot, so it seems to be a purely rendering issue.

* The two monitors are not the same resolution.

* If I open a virtual machine on the corrupted monitor, the cursor is still corrupted inside the virtual machine window, but changes color as expected (from Kubuntu blue to Ubuntu white).

* Nothing else seems to be affected visually.