Comment 0 for bug 272853

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Thom Hurks (thomhurks) wrote :

I downloaded the daily live CD for Intrepid on september the 18th. During the installation heavy display corruption could be noticed, however. Besides the default skin being wrong during the install (known bug), green/yellow ish lines were shooting up and down the screen. The install itself also took very long to complete, basic actions like clicking "next" after choosing your keyboard layout took very long to compute.

Especially some changes to my partitions, namely a resize of my Ext3 partition from 20GB to 10GB and a subsequent format, took very very long. I was about to take a picture of the dialog remaining at 0% for half an hour when it shot up to 50% exactly when I took the picture. The picture is attached, though the "shooting lines" do not seem visible on it.

After I managed to get the installation wizard finished and the final installation began, the entire screen became scrambled after about 10 minutes. It looked like the entire background of the screen was shooting up and down at insane speeds. The install dialog itself vanished as well. I also took a picture of this event, the corruption is clear.

Since the install was either taking ages or stopped completely, I rebooted my PC. The boot loader was corrupted and I had to fix it manually.

My laptop is a HP Compaq6715b, with an Ati X1250 IGP and AMD Turion X2 processor.
Note that Dapper, Edgy, Feisty and Hardy installed flawlessly before on my laptop before.