Comment 50 for bug 267611

Revision history for this message
Paulo Tanimoto (tanimoto) wrote :


First result: xinput works directly from the live CD. I can list and change properties just like I wanted in the first place. Would you like me to install and test the new packages as well?

$ xinput list-props "Logitech USB Trackball"
Device 'Logitech USB Trackball':
 Device Enabled: 1
 Middle Button Emulation: 2
  valid values: 0 1 2
 Middle Button Timeout: 50
 Wheel Emulation: 1
  valid values: 1 0
 Wheel Emulation X Axis: 0, 0
 Wheel Emulation Y Axis: 4, 5
 Wheel Emulation Inertia: 10
 Wheel Emulation Timeout: 200
 Wheel Emulation Button: 4
 Drag Lock Buttons: 0