Comment 28 for bug 126897

Revision history for this message
Trevor Cordes (78luphr0rnk2nuqimstywepozxn9kl19tqh0tx66b5dki1xxsh5mkz9g-uhdoch06y-a811i2i3ytqlsztthjth0svbccw8inm65tmkqp9sarr553jq53in4xm1) wrote :

A note to interested parties, this bug (scrollwheel too fast) has been fixed upstream (see and should be coming to the distros somewhere down the road. To partake of the fix, you have to add some lines to either your xorg.conf (if you have one) or a new file. The new file would look like:

#cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-scrollpoint.conf
Section "InputClass"
  Identifier "ScrollPoint"
  MatchUSBID "04b3:3100|04b3:3103|04b3:3105|04b3:3108|04b3:3109"
  Option "VertScrollDelta" "18"
  Option "HorizScrollDelta" "18"

Perhaps someone with access to the metadata of this bug can update it appropriately to reflect this change in status.
