Comment 24 for bug 126897

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Jim Turner (turnerjw784) wrote :

I also am a Linux user who owns 2 IBM Scrollpoint mice and absolutely love them. I get best results with the "ExplorerPS/2" protocol in Xorg. The vertical scroll works a bit sensitive, but I perceive 3 "speed" levels based on how hard you press the stick, but I have NEVER had horizontal scrolling working! Yes I've tried all the axismapping "4 5 6 7" combinations, which will get "xev" to report sporatic "button 6" and "button 7" presses when you mash the stick left or right just right with a lot of force, but it appears that a separate protocol driver should be written based on the "ExplorerPS/2" protocol to adjust the timings and sensitivity of the stick to sort and smooth out the 4 different directions and sensitivities. If I knew anything about kernel driver programming, I'd write one myself. I'd be willing to coinsider sending someone one of these mice if they'd write a good driver for it! The pbm is definitely an enhancement for the kernel mouse drivers (new protocol) and is not a bug in either X or the kernel nor confined to any specific versions.