Comment 0 for bug 996801

Revision history for this message
Geir Isene (qc-e-9h) wrote :

Hardware: Lenovo X200 laptop
OS: Ubuntu 12.04

Bug occured after upgrading from 11.10 to 12.04


Originally reported a few weeks ago here:

Short recap:

At a random time after login (never less than half an hour so far), approximately once every other day (after upgrading 6 weeks ago), the keyboard stops responding as usual. It seems that the initial keypress is disregarded, but key registers after the repeat-interval and then repeats as usual - i.e. I press a key and wait and the key registers and repeats just as it would before the bug appears except the first keypress is not registered. I cannot trigger this bug "at will", and I see no traces of errors in any error log.