Comment 0 for bug 97643

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In , Xorgbugs-philipl (xorgbugs-philipl) wrote :

With bug #6734 out of the way, I've been investigating another problem, which
was that I was seeing a "bogus pointer event from ddx" fatal message at server
startup. I scratched my head over this for a while, but I'm pretty sure the
problem occurs when you have a CorePointer defined from an evdev rule that
matches more than one physical device.

I can work around this as I know which mouse I consider to be my primary one,
which I then set a vendor/product rule for, and then I define a second mouse
device using SendCoreEvents to match my other devices.

This is with evdev 1.1.2 compiled and running against Xorg 7.0 on ubuntu dapper.