Comment 5 for bug 718742

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Ryan Waters (nikitis) wrote :

This is not a Bug, I'll explain. Okay, figured out the problem. After installing KDE and trying it out there i did not notice the problem as easily. It was still there but not as inherent as it is in Gnome.

The problem:
We need a new feature request for gnome. The problem is not necessarily the mouse itself, but it is. This mouse has 4 DPI settings. Up to 5600 Dots Per Inch. At that high of a Resolution, the slightest breath will cause the mouse to move a pixel or ten. What is happening is as i'm right clicking it's near humanly impossible to keep the mouse still at such a high resolution. It may appear that you did not move the mouse, but you actually have a couple of pixels. Gnome will have to have the context drawing menu redesigned for such mice with high resolutions or need an option to offset the drawing of the context menu by 3-4 pixels diagonally southeast of the actual pointer so that options are not being selected with the button release of the right click.

Something has to be done as more and more mice are having higher and higher resolutions. The only other way this could be fixed is to add an option to not select an option with a release of a right click or delay it's ability to do so by 0.5 or 1 seconds.

There is a problem, but it's not a bug, it's a feature request. So please close this bug. Thanks for your time.