Comment 0 for bug 718742

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Ryan Waters (nikitis) wrote :

Okay, we are half way there Ubuntu. I started another bug report which would lock focus to the last X-Window the Cyborg R.A.T.7 gaming mouse had a button press on. That has been fixed with the following in .xmodmap file or xorg.conf file.

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "Mouse Remap"
        MatchProduct "Saitek Cyborg R.A.T.7 Mouse"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
        Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 9 10 11 12 0 0 0"

Now the focus issue is fixed with direct mapping, but there is still a problem. When you right click whether it be on a desktop or x-window of any kind to bring up the context menu. It is acting as if the right click is doing a button press, button release, then a button press and button release again, all with one actual full click and release causing you to accidentally select the first context menu option without having a chance to scroll down. The only way to not accidentally select the first menu option is to HOLD down the right click and not release until you are over your correct context menu option.

To describe further. Currently I have to create the habit of clicking the right mouse key and HOLD while scrolling down to the correct context menu I wish to select, then upon release it selects the item.

The way this should work is upon "button release" of the right click, the context menu should come up, not upon the "button press". Then the menu should pop up and you should not be holding any buttons down at all, scroll to your desired option in the context menu, then LEFT click your option.

I'm not sure which package this belongs to, but it sounds like it could be an xorg package of some sort.