Comment 9 for bug 418470

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Mahendra Tallur (mahen) wrote :


well, sorry for the lack of input !

Actually, if I don't install "xserver-xorg-input-joystick", it seems I cannot get the device detected. Which is probably due to the fact that the .fdi file I *have to* install specifies :

   <match key="input.product" string="ACRUX USB GAMEPAD 8116">
     <remove key="input.x11_driver" />
     <merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string">joystick</merge>

To summarize, there seems to be multiple issues :

- with no FDI file the device is not detected at all

- with a FDI file it needs also the joystick package

- with both of them, the joystick also needs to be unplugged / replugged each time, and is detected as both a gamepad AND a mouse, and behaves incorrectly in some cases (some inverted axis)

I guess I should give the latest Lucid alpha a try as well.

Cheers !