Comment 31 for bug 284951

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unebaguettesvp (phil-quietthenloud) wrote :

Timo: Thanks! Doing a sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-input-joystick prevented the cursor from moving around. However, I still have the problem with the directional pads not working in any emulators or MAME. Everything works great in jscalibrator and I even set new calibrations. But EVERY game that I try to use my joysticks, the directional pads are not registering. The buttons work perfectly. I have no idea what's causing this. I even recompiled various emulators in intrepid to see if it was a specific emulator problem but it's not. It's only the directional pads that are not working even though they work in jscalibrator and jstest. Do you have any suggestions? Should I open a new bug report? Thanks!