Comment 3 for bug 176515

Revision history for this message
Slash123 (manic-laughter) wrote :

Great. I got Xgl to load on DISPLAY :1 using your Xgl-session attachment.
However, gnome (or for that matter KDE) refused to start. On entering login details, I can see the hard disk activity till Xgl loads, then it just stops with the human background and a busy pointer.
I noticed that if I run compiz from tty1 (# DISPLAY=:1 compiz &), compiz finds Xgl and loads without an error, but still no desktop.
However, if I run # DISPLAY =:0 xterm, I get an xterm on vt7. I can then start gnome-panel and nautlius to have a working gnome session. But, as this is :0 (whereas Xgl loaded on :1), when I try running compiz from this xterm, it exits with an error that it couldnt find Xgl.

~/.xsession-errors now does not have any errors that could give a clue. Neither does /var/log/Xorg.0.log.

Any suggestions?