Comment 12 for bug 321040

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Konstantin Kasatkin (kwk-kwk) wrote :

Hi brothers by misfortune, finally I've found the root of evil!!!

I guest all of you have samba installed in the System (If no it can be any additional package that has own pam authorizatuion schema). I will show what is wrong on the example with samba.
When you install samba package the installer adds an authorization method string into /etc/pam.d/common-auth file, it looks like:

auth optional migrate

From the outer hand file /etc/pam.d/sesman contains inctruction:

@include common-auth

So this way the samba authorization method take part in authorization and sesman crashes on it.
The solution is just move string [auth optional migrate] from file /etc/pam.d/common-auth to file /etc/pam.d/samba rigth under string [@include common-auth] and all will be fine.

BTW, I recomment you get from CVS repository last version 0.6.0 xrdp package, compile it and install, it has a fix allowing you to use MS RD Client version 7 comming with Windows 7 for connectivity. I've set it up and it works perfectly. And whats more developers changed content of file /etc/pam.d/sesman (btw now it is named /etc/pam.d/xrdp-sesman). They removed all includes and added all auth strings directly, so if you use any additional auth schema, like pam_mysql for example, keep it into account.