Comment 0 for bug 60823

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Tomasz Witko (witko) wrote : Please backport xlibs dummy package.deb.

This started off as a bug report of a missing xlibs dummy package which made it hard or impossible to install a lot of extra packages from sourceforge and newver versions of packages. However I found a xlibs dummy package deb posted on the forum.

(untriaged) Bug #60649:
no dummy package for xlibs giving dep error
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xorg (Ubuntu) Rejected Untriaged —
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Description (edit)

Binary package hint: xlibs

Hi I noticed that xlibs-deb has a dummy transitional package but there is not one for xlibs. From the amount of xlib arrors happening it seems that a xlibs dummy package was over looked for dapper. Please look into this.

 also when trying to download xlibs I get this error

tom@miko:~$ sudo apt-get install xlibs
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Package xlibs is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
  libxft1 xkeyboard-config
E: Package xlibs has no installation candidate

Edit :::"'Solved with a Community member dummy package."
This description was updated. View original description.
Re: [Bug 60649] no dummy package for xlibs giving dep error from Dennis Kaarsemaker at 2006-09-16 00:16:16 UTC

 status Rejected

No Ubuntu application depends on this package so it's not needed. 3rd
party software should be fixed by those 3rd parties.
Solved by Community, User made dummy pacakage from Tomasz Witko at 2006-09-16 21:55:27 UTC

 Hi I found a solution on the Ubuntu forum found this dummy package from a users post. Thanks to user: PsYsK8eR
Re: no dummy package for xlibs giving dep error from Tomasz Witko at 2006-09-16 21:57:16 UTC

    * xlibs dummy package.

 Please backport or include into repositories as it may solve a lot of problems people are having with external installs.