Comment 43 for bug 464591

Revision history for this message
Matt Wilkie (maphew) wrote :

how can this bug possibly be marked "invalid"??

I had a system running just fine 9.04, answered "yes" to upgrade to 9.10, went through that process for awhile, rebooted, and now the only way I can use my computer is ssh in from remote because the local display is either flickering like mad or completely blank (after renaming/deleting xorg.conf). So yes "upgrade breaks graphic drivers and x, preventing login or startx" is true and real.

I feel for the maintainer(s) whose nerves worn to a nub. A whole lot of people complaining at you and expecting you to fix their pain is *not* fun, or easy. That does not make the users pain irrelevant or not real though. So if you've had enough, say so. If you don't have the time/energy/resources/motivation to fix the problem, say that. Please don't tell us the bug does not exist, I'm staring right it and so are a lot of others.