Comment 0 for bug 39762

Revision history for this message
Peter Schwenke (bluetoad) wrote :

Please find patch attached.

Using a Thinkpad A22p, this problem occurs on Flight-4 to Flight-6 Live CDs. Teh problem still occurs when I update the xserver-xorg package to xserver-xorg_7.0.0-0ubuntu28.

The HorizSync and VertRefresh values are not written out to the xorg.conf file. This causes X to start in 640x480 with a broken, unusable display.

The problem appears to be the same as Bug #29540 however that is for the powerpc case. I have made several notes in that bug. I have told to start a new bug for Intel based systems. Several bugs have been marked as duplicates of that bug. However, none seem to be for "straight" Ubuntu (not Kubuntu) on Intel.

Basically, the problem is that xserver-xorg/config/monitor/use_sync_ranges needs to be on for the ati server.

I have tested this using

dpkg -i <debfile>
dpkg-reconfigure -fnontinteractive xserver-xorg

"dpkg-reconfigure -fnontinteractive xserver-xorg" is invoked by the live CD setup.

This patch has been tested on the A22p with the rage 128 and correctly turns on xserver-xorg/config/monitor/use_sync_ranges as required.

To see if this breaks other X server configurations I tested on a desktop box with Intel i915 Integrated Graphics Controller xserver-xorg/config/monitor/use_sync_ranges is not turned on and the xorg.conf is written out without sync ranges and functions correctly.