Comment 1 for bug 203809

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Rolando Blanco (rolando) wrote :

Yesterday I did download the .ISO file to burn it and try then, When was ready, I did boot from it, and all video works.

I saw in some forums that only have to remove the xserver-xorg-fglrx because the new hardy have the ATI drivers in the AIGLX.

Well Then I did remove the packet xserver-xorg-fglrx that the system install without ask me when i did try to configure the Visual Effects in the tab of the Window.

Well, I did copy the /ext/X11 of my LiveCD (running) to my disk conf. Did reboot the system, and nothing happend, I did install the COMPIZ-FUSION Icon packet, and then did try runinng it, and my surpise, all the Compiz Go On.

I think that the System have not install the xserver-xorg-fglrx and Now the only way to make works my Compiz, is running the COMPIZ-FUSION Icon.