Comment 2 for bug 1615864

Revision history for this message
GeeMac (htpc2013) wrote :

I just placed a script in .config/autostart

" xrandr --output VGA-0 --off --output TV-0 --off --output HDMI-0 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal "

This was generated by Arandr which was suggested by someone in the IRC. That failed to work. Then I tried the same in a folder called .screenlayout. That also failed.

I tried to have it called from the "Startup Applications" , but that seems to also be broken (bug report to follow on this), Startup Applications does not save anything that is added after a reboot. The only thing that is showing there is Nvidia X Server settings.

As stated earlier this was not an issue with 14.04 LTS. Three weeks later I am still dealing with this screen resolution issue to the point that I lost track of all the things that were suggested and from outdated posts.