Comment 5 for bug 1565563

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Mardersteig Andreas H. (andreastec11) wrote :

Yes, I still have it (again): The unity-desktop-version went 'unusable' again, first vanishing completely of the 'launcher', at one of the next startups, even the top bar, where you can turn off the machine or suspend or restart or log out, was gone and when unity completes its start procedure, it ends up full screen, no menues, no chance to call up any 'apps' = programs or the terminal, so I switched to the 'xfce' version, where I can use - as it seems - every app I really need for work as: Krusader, System Monitor, Libre Office, OpenOffice Ver 4.1.1 to handle my oooold .sxw-files. Perhaps the latter, I should explain closer:

Under ubuntu 14.04 in summer 2014 came up a new version of LibreOffice, where the Libre-people had ended their support for old OpenOffice files, like the .sxw-type. Then I deleted everything of that current LibreOffice version by Synaptic Manager and 'by hand & foot' and installed OpenOffice 4.1.1. All went ok then. But upgrading my ubuntu to version 14.10 in fall 2014, - oh miracle! - a LibreOffice version came back to my machine next to the willingly installed OpenOffice ver 4.1.1, after that I only used the OpenOffice suite 4.1.1 and left the re-gained version of LibreOffice untouched. After upgrading to ubuntu 15.04 in spring 2015, I used my OpenOffice Writer 4.1.1 to make .odt-files of all my old .sxw-files on my machine, quite a bunch of files, mostly from the 1990 decade. I need my old stuff, since I am administrating a movie estate & archive, which started in the late 1890 til 1960, so my old files have all a still valuable content. Mostly no garbage.

When I had problems with unity under 15.10, Jack Wallen praised somewhere the better speed of Gnome desktop, but I did not like it. For me, I like Unity best, because I have the full current date and a precise full time, so I can see with one view, how much of a minute is already over (to catch a bus or tram). Perfect for me.

Upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 this spring kinda 'cured' my Unity problems: everything worked again fine, but after a few weeks or days, the first thing, I noticed was, I had the menu bar in Claws Mail, but the drop-down menues would not open, so I fumbled around in system settings and in unity-tweak-tool. No success. The rest please read again at the very top of this message.

I continue with the list of apps, I use for my work: at and within startup: Shutter, Psensor, keyboard set to German only (I use the English version of Ubuntu 16.04), CopyQ, ClassicMenu Indicator, Alarm Clock, System Monitor, Krusader, Wine app: Time & Chaos = Calendar; these are all from my Unity-Startup-file (have not found any under XFCE yet).

For work, I use the current LibreOffice now, OpenOffice for my old .sxw-files, I save my work as MS-Word-doc-files and as MS-Excel-xls-files (MSO 2003), Ristretto Viewer, XnView for sorting, Wine-App: Adobe Photoshop CS, Gimp, Inkscape, Simple Scan, Evince, Master PDF Editor, PDF-Shuffler, YAGF; Internet: Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, Claws Mail, Transmission, youtube-dl; Audacious, MPlayer, Audacity, WinFF, Puddletag, gMTP;

I am sure, that the occuring failures are not a bug, but caused by me or harddisk failures. In April I had hoped, XDiagnose would list those causes for experts. I started with Ubuntu in 2012 or 2011.

Did that help in any way? Probably not. Thank you again. Then please kill this thread.