Comment 61 for bug 130325

Revision history for this message
Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen (ralf-nieuwenhuijsen) wrote :

@flynux .. which nvidia driver are you using?

Which programs are working? Some games still work, some don't.
Does glxgears work for you or not? With compiz enabled?

There seem to be an abi-mismatch with the nvidia driver and the xserver.
Ubuntu has backported a fix from the new xserver to this xserver to make the mobile platform work, but this backport changes the abi. Which means that we will nvidia to fix their driver. They will, but it might not be included in gutsy.

So the solutions would be:
  - remove the patch and break ubuntu-mobile (i don't think the ubuntu-devs want this)
  - ship seperate xorg's (yuck)
  - add a patch to make the clipping an option in xorg, and add the noclipping thingie in xorg.conf