Comment 7 for bug 1160151

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Ubu4u (bj7u6139zdyf2a6nz2ly74oec10f2lnela24rsgd389d0elot5a7jz6hawymvsdk8c4sd6srfzh4i-info-jjcftv6wldnzq84cskygyvhqqb9qwjfcq0yfnwzcca0ux8ircw2a3om624q2ycdp941uw5474gcdb) wrote :

I've also just installed the 3.5.0-25 kernel with "sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.5.0-25-generic linux-headers-3.5.0-25-generic". I've just tested a bit with the 3.5.0-25 kernel and the GPU crashes seem to have stopped!!!!!!!!

I have so many questions at this point, e.g.:

1) Was the 3.2.0-40 kernel version on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS machine there because all the software for that version of Ubuntu has not been deemed compatible with it? Why was a newer version not used?

2) Now that I've changed my kernel, will I be receiving automatic software updates OK?

3) What is the best way to keep up to date on the fix for this issue? This is all very cool, I want to help out as much as possible.