Comment 4 for bug 566862

Revision history for this message
Santiago Roland (santiago-roland) wrote :

this is an output of "xrandr -q"

santiago@hyperion:~$ xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 1280 x 1280
LVDS connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
   1280x800 60.0*+
   1280x768 60.0 +
   1280x720 60.0 +
   1024x768 60.0 +
   1280x600 60.0 +
   1024x600 60.0 +
   800x600 60.0 +
   800x480 60.0 +
   640x480 60.0 +
CRT1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
   1280x800 75.0 +
   1280x1024 75.0 +
   1152x864 75.0
   1024x768 75.0 70.1 60.0
   1024x600 60.0
   800x600 72.2 75.0 70.0 60.3
   800x480 60.0
   640x480 75.0 72.8 60.0

notice that CRT1 is the 32" LCD TV and it appears to be an 1280x1024 resolution that is in fact not supported by the TV that is 1280x800 pixel display. Also for the 1024x768 the 60Hz frequency is available.

This issue is present with the opensource ATI driver as well as the propietary one that i downloaded yesterday. How can i add the 60Hz frequency for the 1280x800 resoluton??? i tried editing xorg.conf with no sucess