Comment 5 for bug 532579

Revision history for this message
Midas (m1da5) wrote :

[SOLVED] My problem was somewhat different (see below), but the solution TJ suggested worked wonders for me. Thanks. :))

Problem: Having installed Linux Mint 9 LXDE on an elderly HP Vectra VL400 workstation (PIII 1GHz, 512MB RAM, 20GB HDD), the graphic UI was available, but my maximum resolution would be 800x600x60Hz and I had no 'xorg.conf' file in '/etc/X11/'. Querying with lspci returned the following adapter identification:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82815 Chipset Graphics Controller (CGC) (rev 02)

Thus began my two day ordeal. After searching high and low, reading leaft and right, a lot of brow wrinkling, pencil sucking, and hair pulling, I was exactly where I started, with zero results. I saw elsewhere ( how this predicament could be solved by installing the latest libdrm, which I did to no avail. I even tried building a new xorg.conf by hand, and failed miserably, attesting the real depth of my noobiness. The system wouldn't even start, so I had to launch the livecd to delete that xorg.conf...

But eventually that was the seed for the solution: after some more editing, including the Section "Module" suggested by TJ, I rebooted and everything automagically worked -- without further ado, I now have 1024x768x85Hz, which is rather more bearable to work with. So here's the healing xorg.conf:

----- xorg.conf -----

Section "Device"
 Identifier "Intel Corporation 82815 CGC"
 Driver "intel"
# Driver "vesa"

Section "Monitor"
 Identifier "Monitor0"
 VendorName "DEC"
 ModelName "VRT17-HA"
 Option "DPMS"
 HorizSync 29-82
 VertRefresh 50-150

Section "Screen"
 Identifier "Default Screen"
 Device "Intel Corporation 82815 CGC"
 Monitor "Monitor0"
 DefaultDepth 16
 SubSection "Display"
  Depth 16
  Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "Server Layout"
 Identifier "Default Layout"
 Screen "Default Screen"

Section "Module"
 Load "vesa"