Comment 97 for bug 36812

Revision history for this message
Oded Arbel (oded-geek) wrote :

@Alexey: Regarding your point (2), if I do a well enough job and release an update to the PPA immediately after Ubuntu upstream releases an X update, then users will only have to install 1 update, or at worst they'd have 1 X update that requires them to logout and another X update a day later that again requires a log out.

Regarding point (1) - Ubuntu's X11 distribution carries a lot of out of stream patches (in 10.04 I count more then 50 additional patches) that are either in process of being accepted upstream to or intermediate fixed waiting for another fix from upstream or even patches that have no chance of being accepted upstream - and Ubuntu still caries them and make sure they are up to date until they have a better solution from

To get Ilya's patch into Ubuntu proper, it requires simply the intervention of Ubuntu's "X-SWAT" team ( ) and that most likely will not require a rewrite of XKB ;-) but I don't see any of these people list on this bug report, and I'm not sure what is the procedure for addressing the Ubuntu X team directly.