Comment 51 for bug 192508

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marius (marius-gala) wrote : Re: mouse keys turns on randomly

Ok, this bug may still have a low priority but it's still annoying me and I can't help reporting about it. Right now I'm experimenting something I couldn't test before (because I didn't have the chance to physically access the machine when it occurred):
I was logged remotely on the Ubuntu box (running at the moment "2.6.28-11-server #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 02:48:10 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux", with embedded vino remote desktop server) from a Windows machine (does this matter?) via TightVNC client.
[The two pcs are now in the same room. I'm using vnc to get advantage of the shared clipboard feature for some work I'm doing.]
Anyway, I was trying to input some numbers with the numpad, in the vnc window, but with no luck. I tried the shortcut (always in the vnc window), even knowing it never worked before and wouldn't now. I tried the same, and of course there was no surprise. So I reached the server keyboard and pressed shift+numlock to regain functionality. The strange behavior is that the numkeys are now perfectly working locally... but still don't work via VNC... *in the exact same moment* (of course I did not ended the active session). BUT if I keep the shift key pressed while using the numpad from vnc, it works as intended, that is, the arrow keys, home, del and so on. Also, there seem to be no way to make numpad work via vnc again: I tried, in order, starting a new vnc session, closing the old, starting a few new ones and closing them all (first included), disabling and re-enabling remote desktop access and then just disabling and enabling control... nothing. The last resource seems to be the reboot.

Is there any way (for me, since no one does) to debug the vnc server and try to see where does it fail to catch/decode the numerical keys sent? Any help is greatly appreciated...

And, this has already been asked but "repetita iuvant", is there a way to completely remove this feature from the face of the kernel? Or should I just give in and move on, perhaps installing a vnc server different from the "officially" suggested one hoping the problem is just related to vino? Thanks again.