Comment 109 for bug 192508

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Agronskey Hooper (redxsage) wrote :

Just wanted to add further confirmation that this particular keyboard shortcut is 'too easy' to activate. One of the babies in the house, each barely over one year old, reached up and randomly pressed buttons on my keyboard, turning on the 'mouse keys' function and disabling the numpad. I've been perplexed by this for a couple of months at least.

The suggestions I've seen to 'fix' the problem don't work for me on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit. The system completely ignores the Settings|Universal Access|Pointing and Clicking|Mouse Keys setting. Using ALT+L-SHIFT+NUMLOCK, or SHIFT+NUMLOCK does the exact same thing as simply pressing NUMLOCK alone.

I believe that shortly after building this PC I had set the BIOS on my computer to automatically turn ON the numpad. I think that may be part of this insidious problem. Because now, when the light is ON for the NUMLOCK key, I am in Mouse Keys mode. And, when the NUMLOCK key is switched OFF, the numpad works normally.

Is there a way to permanently disable Mouse Keys, and get my keyboard to operate the way it used to?