Comment 21 for bug 1724307

Revision history for this message
zwerko (zwerko) wrote :

I can confirm this issue existing on 18.04, too, and it probably doesn't have anything to do with DisplayLink as I'm using a direct HDMI connection via the built-in HDMI port on a Dell XPS 15 9570. The external screen is not hDPI, sporting mere 1920x1080, so to keep the proper scaling on both I utilize xrandr to double the frame buffer and then rescale it back for the external screen, i.e.:

xrandr --fb 7680x2160 &&
xrandr --output eDP-1 --mode 3840x2160 --rate 60 --primary &&
xrandr --output DP-3 --mode 1920x1080 --scale-from 3840x2160 --panning 3840x2160+3840+0 --right-of eDP-1 &&
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2

But even without the scaling the cursor will flicker, just not to the same extent as when scaling is applied (subjective). The flickering happens only in the upper half of the main screen, too.

Disconnecting the external screen fixes the issue.